I Wonder...February 27th
Watch the Children's Sermon here
I Wonder . . . .
How you feel when you hear news reports
If you understand what is happening on the other side of the world
If you have someone you can talk to about your feelings
If you know how powerful God is
What is the brightest light you have seen
What things or people make you feel brighter when you are scared
Thank you, God, that even when we are scared or worried, your light shines brighter than anything in this world. We pray that we might help people see your light in dark times. Amen
Make a list of bright things.
Ask a friend or family member when they have seen God’s power at work.
Read Luke 9:28-36 which tells about Jesus’ transfiguration.
Thoughts for Tots
Godly Play - the Transfiguration
Jokes for Joy
Why did the firefly do well on the test?
Because he was very bright!
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