I Wonder...April 24th - "Earth Care Sunday"
I Wonder: April 24, 2022: "Earth Care Sunday" I would like for you to take an imaginary journey with me. If you would, please close your eyes for a few minutes. Think about a place outside that you like to go to. There are so many beautiful places that it’s hard for me to choose. Will you choose somewhere in the mountains – somewhere you’ve been hiking? Or on a beach hearing the waves rush onto the shore? I have seen some wonderful waterfalls – maybe you’d like to be there. Or a desert with the cactus all around. Growing up we spent a lot of times in the woods. This time of the year we would be watching for mushrooms to pop up. I hope you are feeling relaxed and comfortable and enjoying this place in your mind. Now imagine what it would look like ruined – trees cut down, cactus dying, there are no animals, the waterfalls are just a trickle of water, there is trash all around – wrappers, plastic bags stuck everywhere. What can you do to clean it up, to make it as beautiful as ...